Thursday, November 02, 2006


I have decided to set up a Blog that i will actually use (myself!!).
I am so pleased with myself right now, i managed to keep a meeting to under an hour today!!
Can't remember if i told you all but there is a party at mine for Matt's B-day on the Sat 2nd of December. You are all welcome!
Thought i would put a picture on (just playing really) of Phil's birthday, the food was lush! But how expensive was the garlic bread!!!! lol
Right I'm off for a drink
Byeeeee x


Fi said...

yes i know the garlic bread was flipping expencive! still it was great company so that made up for it!!

Rhix said...

Amazingly expensive...but oh so good!And the fun taking photos and just generally all together was quite good.....have you seen that photo of you from residential exactly the same pose.....I see a theme

Fi said...

come along now miss b... stop with the college work lark and write something deep and meaningful here!!
loves ya
one week to go!