Friday, November 24, 2006

What is going on?

I have finished both my essays early!!!

Sooooo strange!


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Hello my lovely friends!

I have been sooo bored for the last five days because i have had no Internet! It has been painful!

Over those five days i discovered that it is in fact easier to work without the Internet to tempt me with all it's colourful pages (so much so i have handed in an essay 3 days Early!). It has got me wondering whether the Internet has been helping me through college and uni or whether it has been hindering me!?!

But oh well, have it back now so I'm ready to get back to my distracted ways! Although the Internet is time wasting if you have the will power to get on with your day to day life then it can be a laugh!

P.S. Thought was time for a D pic, can't wait for the film!!!

Holz xxx

Yay! I have the internet back!

Hello my lovely friends!

I have been going crazy for the last five days as i have had no Internet!

During those five days i found it a lot easier to work without the temptation of the Internet (so much so i have handed in an essay 3 days early!!). This has got me pondering whether the net has been helping me through college or uni or just hindering me! Hmmmmm...

But oh well, have it back know so I'm ready to get back to my distracted ways! The Internet might by time consuming but if you have the will power to ignore it and get on with your life it can be a good laugh!

Holz xxx

Thursday, November 16, 2006

The very odd mind set of Holly and Jon

Hey! OK this is for all of you who don't have Facebook, these are the conversations me and Jon had today during lectures... Enjoy!

First Convo
Jon: What is the strangest animal in the world?Holly: The Platterpuss Jon: I think Pygmy seals would rock!Holly: Is that just not baby seals?Jon: No Pygmy according to is a member of a small-stature people native to equatorial Africa.Holly: (cracks up about a poor lady beards joke – she is now in lots of little bits all over the flour)Jon: I hope I don’t inhale any of Holly! Those little bits get evereverywheren chokes on Holly’s ear) How does it feel to be in thousands of pieces?Holly: ShitJon: Is that a soppy or hard one?Holly: (shakes head disapprovingly)Jon: Not my fault u feel like a Pooo!Holly: God is going to smite youJon: Seems a little harsh!Holly: He loves me muchly so he gets arsey with people who take the pissJon: Well I’m glad God does cos it takes the divine to love you.Holly: No-commentJon: (smiles and nods)Holly: BotheredJon: Bless Holly: well, I can’t believe that the lecture just slagged us off!Jon: yeah I know I’m an incredibly sexy man!!Holly: Yeah I know.Jon: ThanksHolly: (shakes head disapprovingly)Jon: (shrugs shoulders)Holly: In my mind (Eddie Izzard)Fi: (Fi interputs talking about Muse)Jon: Is that like when u gaze meditatively or wonderingly?Holly: (shakes head disapprovingly)Jon: (shrugs Shoulders)Holly: (shakes head disapprovingly)Jon: (shrugs Shoulders)Holly: (shakes head disapprovingly)Jon: (shrugs Shoulders)Holly: (shakes head disapprovingly)Jon: (shrugs Shoulders)Holly: (shakes head disapprovingly)Jon: (shrugs Shoulders)Holly: (shakes head disapprovingly)Jon: (shrugs Shoulders)Holly: (shakes head disapprovingly)Jon: (shrugs Shoulders)Holly: (shakes head disapprovingly)Jon: (shrugs Shoulders)Holly: (shakes head disapprovingly)Jon: (shrugs Shoulders)Holly: (shakes head disapprovingly)Jon: (shrugs Shoulders)Holly: (shakes head disapprovingly)Jon: (wonders in disbelief)Holly: Stop it!Jon: Ok.Suddenly the nativity comes crashing into the lecture room…Jon: whoop, whoopHolly: I’m gonna rob the kings!!!! (she shouts)Jon: I didn’t realise there were Platterpuss’ kept in stables!Devil: (strokes platterpuss)Jonathan Edwards: Enters roomHolly: (dances on the table)Jon: are you sure pole dancing is appropriate for the nativity?Holly: Well it’s Jesus’ Birthday!!Jon: HummmmmmConversation ends…

Second Convo
Jon: Can u imagine Jesus driving a car probably a people carrier full of evil spirits?Holly: your strange…??Jon: well the bible tells us he was driving them out – that’s nice of the Son of God to take all the evil spirits out to lunch!!!Holly: Bacon, egg and SPAM … (holly sings to her self – spam, spam, spam, spam) Jon: Its soo trueMeanwhile in Jesus’ VWJesus: ‘I like driving in my car… its not quite a jaguar…’Evil spirits: ‘doo doo doo doo doo doo do’Back to modernity:Jon: Do u think Jesus also took them out for day trips?Holly: Yes – to the zoo.Jon: Oh (Jon signs loudly in leture room - to the zoo, zoo, zoo, I want to go to, to, to…)Holly: Into the pigs…Jon: humm all new extra curricula activities for them tooo!!Holly: swimming lessons weren’t so successful!Jon: yeah I thought Jesus was God – does that mean God can’t swim?Holly: maybe he is too big and too heavy to float!Jon: maybe he just forgot that pigs can’t swim!Holly: but they can fly (Holly signs again – Come fly with me come fly just fly away… we’re gonna beat those pigs down to agapoko bay)Jon: do u think Jesus was trying to baptise the pigs?Back to Jesus at the water front…Jesus: I baptise you in spirit and… oooh shit! (evil sprits drown)Back to the hubbub of eschatology lecture room…Holly: he should have used the giraffes!!!Jon: Yeah but they don’t have funny curly tails!Holly: Evil spirits must have curly tails… point taken!Jon: You would have thought that God could have made a Pi-affe, just like those famous cow-pigs (thanks for that Jo).Holly: he should have just used Civic Bang (hums… bang and the dirt is gone)Jon: ‘sigh’ I don’t think he was trying to remove lime scale from the evil spirits earlobes!Holly: do they have lime scale on their earlobes?Jon: yeah, don’t we all?Holly: No.

Well done if you got through that! Hope it gives you something to think about!
Holz xx

The MUSE Gig!!


MUSE rocked sooooo much!
I went to see MUSE Tuesday night at Brummy NEC and it was possibly their best gig yet! They began with Take a bow, which to give her the credit Fi guessed would be the case! Their rendition of Super Massive Black Hole was really good, different to the one on the CD. I particularly was impressed with the way they went from Invincible to Super Massive! They played all the old classics! The stage set up was so kool (see the photo, but doesn't really do it justice) and the lighting was awe inspiring! I laughed so much when Matt (from MUSE) tried to trash a speaker with his g-tar, it took him 3 attempts; and then it was placed back, lol!

It was really good to go with two very special people, Fi and Matt! Fi was snapping away whilst Matt was stood behind me singing his little heart out, bless! Thanks for such great night!

Holz x

Saturday, November 11, 2006

The beast is back!

My car is fixed! oh yeah!

It now has a lovely green bonnet instead of a rubbish red one!
It is looking dead sexy (like it owner, lol)!

Well I'm off to do washing up, have now run out of clean bowls!

Oh and by the way... Seeing MUSE in 3 days!

Holz xx

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

My Head Hurts

Why is it that assignments are so hard to write down but in your mind its easy!?! I am trying to write my theo one and it is not going well, i have just managed to finish my introduction (its gonna be a long week!). My head is killing me now!

Any way, enough of that...

We are gonna see muse in one week!!! It is gonna be sweet! I know most of you think we are obsessed (I know you will appreciate this Fi!) but seriously they are so good!

Right I'm gonna go eat some food, that's always good for boredom!

Love ya

Holz xx

Thursday, November 02, 2006


I have decided to set up a Blog that i will actually use (myself!!).
I am so pleased with myself right now, i managed to keep a meeting to under an hour today!!
Can't remember if i told you all but there is a party at mine for Matt's B-day on the Sat 2nd of December. You are all welcome!
Thought i would put a picture on (just playing really) of Phil's birthday, the food was lush! But how expensive was the garlic bread!!!! lol
Right I'm off for a drink
Byeeeee x