Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I'm such a rubbish blogger!

Hello bloggers!

I have once again been told off by Annie for not writing on my blog! I'm so sorry i have a social life! lol

Nothing very interesting has happened to me of late.

I am currently sat in lectures being very cold (grrr, thanks Piet) and very bored!

Now im going for a break


Holz xxx

Friday, January 12, 2007

New Year... Good intentions!

Hi peeps!

Ok, so thought i would do a better job of blogging this year as i have been moaned at by various people for slacking! So this blog is gonna fill in the gap since my last blog, ready?!?

My car was fixed (can i get a whop whop?) BUT it now seems there is something wrong with my brakes, life can be so gay sometimes!

Just noticed that my last blog (i know i posted it twice, should be blonde) had a pic of the D! I have now seen their film (sorry Fi), i can safely say it was one of the funniest things i have seen in a long time! In fact i was laughing so much it made me cry, Matt found this quite embarrassing and spent the majority of the film pretending he was sat next to some unknown crazy woman!

Matt's 21st was good fun. We started around 6pm and were hammered by about 8pm. By the time Emma and Rhi turned up i don't think we were making much sense. During the evening some bright spark had the idea of playing the flour game which resulted in Rhi accidentally (hmmm) chucking flour all over me (thanks Rhi!), i looked like an old bag (no nasty comments thanks!). I also am still finding bits or crisps in my cups which a very drunk Lisa left for me under the careful supervision of Suz and Emma (ta guys!). We felt so ruff in the morning!!!! Everyone seemed so shocked about how much Josh (Matt's bro) and Matt look alike, i can see similarities but i don't think they look that alike, what do you think?

Christmas was really nice cause i got to go home and spend some time with mine and Matt's family. Christmas Day went off as normal 'eat, drink and be really silly!' I think the highlight for me was watching my nan on the sherry, hilarious! Went to Matt's for boxing day, got to help out on the farm. One of the baby cows was born 2am Christmas morning (see pic bellow), I thought they should call it Jesus but they did not seem keen.

Next we ended up back in Gloucester for new year. We started out at Spoons, which was sooooo funny. Lisa provided the highlight of the night (as usual), achieving this by stealing a pixie suit from a giant Oscar, chatting up the bouncers, wearing a KFC bucket on her head whilst talking to the police and riding the legendary tank of Gloucester! I had the very un-clever idea of eating a kebab on the way home (makes me feel ill just thinking about it). We then came home and played what i think is meant to be a serious game but considering are state turned into something very silly. I would just like to take this opportunity to tell the world about Mr. Chunk... Mr. Chunk is a hamster with quite possibly the biggest balls in the world (Fi can back me up)!

very funny pic of Lisa on New Years (Matts hat tho)& lovely drunk pic of me and Fi.

Well that takes me up to now. I have made a New Years resolution to loss a bit of weight, is going really well BUT i soooooo want some choccy!!!

Right I'm going now have run out of things to say!

Take care

Love Holz xx